Twitter mass DMs (direct messages) are incredibly effective for growing any business or following. Whether you’re trying to grow awareness for your brand, add people to your sales funnel, or generating leads for your business, DMs are a powerful way to do it.
In this article, we cover why you should consider mass Twitter DMs and how to go about doing it. You will learn how to automate Twitter DMs, and what Twitter DM bot and tools you should consider.
Why Twitter Mass DM
Why even bother with mass DMing on Twitter? Twitter is already very focused on short-form content, which makes it easy to tweet multiple times per day.
Direct Messages in the recipient’s inbox are a lot personal for them than a general tweet they see on their Twitter home feed. A well-written DM let’s you speak directly with the reader, follow up with them and see their reaction and response to your message, whereas public tweets don’t give you the same kind of access to individual readers.

How to Mass DM on Twitter
Like with most writing, writing Twitter DMs is not exactly difficult by itself, but writing a great direct message is a bit more tricky and takes knowledge and practice to get right. A Twitter DM that is written with care and skill will be received remarkably better and will actually incite engagement from recipients.
How to Write Twitter DMs
There are many ways to go about writing Twitter DMs for huge DM blasts. There are three main points to consider and keep in mind when writing anything, including DMs:
- Personalization
- Keep it short
- Be understood
One option is to write one refined message that goes out to every person you want to target. This option saves you time, as you only need to write one message and since that goes out to every person you write to, you need to do a lot less research into the lead.
The drawback is that this message can’t really be personalized, since you’ll be covering a wide range of people. This makes the message more likely to be perceived as spam. That has two effects: people just ignore the message and there is a chance they might report your message to Twitter, which can have negative consequences. Since the message won’t be as personalized, you’ll most likely need to send it to more people as well, but the process to do so is easier.
The other option is to prepare two or three different variants of your message. These variants should cover the main kinds of leads you’re reaching out to. This allows you to personalize the messages just a bit, so that the reader can more easily see that your message is relevant for them. This way they are more likely to respond and your message is less likely seen as spam.
The drawback is that this adds time to both your writing time and the time it takes to send out the mass DM blast, as you need to sort your leads dependent on what message is intended for them.
There is no concrete right or wrong here, just two options. Choose the one that seems best suited for you.
Keep it short
Like with any kind of writing, the more words you throw at someone, the bigger the chance they don’t finish reading. The saying “If I had more time, I would’ve written you a shorter letter”, famously attributed to Mark Twain still holds up.
Be understood
Remember, your goal is not to show off how technically knowledgeable you are, but to evoke emotion in the reader and be understood, in order to use that emotion to make them want to work with you. Avoid using difficult words and rather use simple language that everyone understands.
It’s easier said than done, but a good rule of thumb is to picture yourself writing to an eight-grade student. Make sure that a student of that age would understand, and you’ll have no trouble with the leads you’re reaching out to.
Who to Write Twitter DMs to
While it may seem easy to just blast your DMs out to every Twitter user out there, this may not be the best option. Different Twitter DM automation tools have different limits to how many DMs you can send in a day. The numbers may be big, but it’s still not worth it to waste time on people that would have no interest in what you are offering.
Do a bit of research as to who are the perfect clients for your business and where you can find them on Twitter. Topics, hashtags, influencers, etc. are a great source for leads to message.
Twitter Mass DM Automation
For cold outreach, volume is everything. The more people that see your message, the more people will likely end up as your client at the end of your sales process.
There is only so much you can do by just sending DMs yourself by hand. There are many Twitter mass dm tools out there that help you auto DM in Twitter, including Twitter DM bots and other Twitter Mass DM tools. These tools can help you reach the same amount of people in an hour that you would get around to in a couple of days.
Each DM bot for Twitter has it’s own way of going about sending out Twitter mass DMs, so be sure to read up on the specifics of the tool or service you choose. Continue reading to find out ways how to mass DM on Twitter.
PhantomBuster is one of the easiest to use Twitter mass DM tools out there. The process of sending out a Twitter mass DM blast is very simple:
- Create an account or log into your Phantom account on your desktop.
- Connect your Twitter account to Phantom
- Open Phantom’s Twitter Message Sender and click “Connect Twitter”.
- Add the list of accounts you want to DM via a Google Sheets or CVS file.
- Set up the “Behavior” part of the Twitter DM bot by selecting how many accounts will be messaged upon launch. (PhantomBuster suggests 10 accounts per launch)
- Write your direct message and send it out.
PhantomBuster itself suggests that the most optimal way of sending out mass Twitter DMs with their service is to set up five to eight small blasts of 10 per day, totaling in up to 80 DMs per day.

The process of sending direct messages to your followers can be automated using Tweek Social, which is available to you for $24 per month or $149 per year. TweekSocial allows for up to 300 DMs per day and also provides analytics for the DMs you send. You have the ability to send a welcome direct message, as well as a direct message to a Twitter list and to all of your followers.
You can plan a automated Twitter mass DM campaign, which ensures that the message will be delivered to all of your followers at the specified time.

SocialPlug for Growing on Twitter
SocialPlug offers many services for growing your Twitter following and using that to grow your business, including auto DM in Twitter. In addition to offering Twitter DMs, SocialPlug can help you buy Twitter followers, and boost likes, comments, and retweets.

You now have an overview of how to send mass DM on Twitter. You know why it’s effective, how to write a great direct message, and what to take into account when preparing a mass Twitter DM campaign. There are great tools out there to help you automate mass Twitter DMing, hopefully you now know where to look for the best ones. Start mass DM-ing your Twitter followers today!

Social Oomph is a great Twitter automated DM tool. The best thing about Social Oomph is its ease of use. In many cases, sending automated DMs to your Twitter followers can be a tricky process, also a time consuming one. But with Social Oomph, you can make it a lot easier.
However, Social Oomph does not offer mass DM services, but only automated DMs. Technically it still may count as mass DMs in case of the events you set it up for. For example, if your preferred event is when someone follows your page, then it will send an automated response to anyone who is a new follower. If you are running a profile with high growth, then this can work somewhat as a mass DM too.
Social Oomph has different pricing plans starting from $55/month, but you can get a 30-day free trial before you pay anything.
Tweet Hunter

Tweet Huner is a very popular tool to grow a Twitter account. It includes a plethora of features, including mass DMing your followers. You can monetize your Twitter account with the automated DM feature.
If you want to generate leads for your clients, Tweet Hunter can be a very good option. Before you pay anything, you can try a free trial version for 7 days, with an option to upgrade it to 37 days.
You can increase the regular effectiveness of your Tweets with the thread delay feature of Tweet Hunter. Overall, Tweet Hunter gives you a lot more options along with mass DMing your followers. This is why Tweet Hunter is definitely worth your shot.
Twitter Rules and Regulations About Mass DM Automation
You may be surprised to know that Twitter allows you to mass DM its users. However, you need to take explicit user consent for Twitter to allow you to mass DM. The user you want to DM when you are mass DMing, must express consent to receive mass DMs from you.
Only following an account, or simply authenticating an app does not provide you with the permission to mass DM.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can you DM someone who doesn't follow your Twitter?
Messaging someone who doesn’t follow you is not possible until they allow it. If they enable the ‘Anyone can send messages’ option, only then you will be able to DM them.
- Is it possible to do mass DM manually?
Yes, it is certainly possible. However, you should not try this as mass DMing so many accounts manually will be a very tedious process and eat up a lot of your time. It’s simply not worth it.
Bottom Line
Using Twitter mass DM, you can achieve different objectives. However, the most common use of Twitter mass DMs is to promote something. While availing this option, you should be careful of some certain code of conducts, like not messaging someone who did not consent to receiving mass DMs. You souldn’t also be too persistent with this, as sending people mass DMs too frequently will annoy them, and they may even end up unfollowing or reporting your profile for spam. So, don’t be spammy, use it wisely!