
How to Get Karma on Reddit: 7 Strategies to Get Faster

Updated on:
September 16, 2024

To get good Karma on Reddit, first, you must have a clear idea of what karma is on Reddit and what it means. Reddit karma is a score earned by posting and commenting on Reddit. Reddit karma is the sum of all the upvotes and downvotes on a person’s post, comment, or Reddit profile.

Many Redditors joke about karma being "fake internet points," and there's some truth to that. However, even fictitious internet points can have real meaning for people and the communities to which they contribute.

Your karma on Reddit reflects how much your contributions mean to the community. The amount of karma someone has is visible on their profile.

So let’s help you to know how to get karma on Reddit and help you to become the best contributor for your Reddit communities. 

Why Karma is Important

That's a good question. Users must strive for a positive karma score to receive certain benefits and demonstrate to everyone that they are genuinely good people. 

Benefits of Having Reddit Karma

To convey that you are a good person. 

Reddit introduced karma as a method to combat spam and bot activity. A reasonably high karma score conveys that you are knowledgeable and overall a good person. Also, with a high karma score, you gradually become an authoritative figure in the community. A low karma result represents that the user's interactions irritated others and usually indicates that the user is a bot, spammer, or troll.

Better Access to Post Stuff

When you join Reddit, you are limited to how many posts you can make quickly. When you reach a certain number of positive karma points, this limit will be lifted, and you will be able to post as much as you want.

A Must in Creating Your Sub-Reddit

Reddit doesn’t allow you to open your subreddit until you have a certain level of Karma points. 

Post without approval 

You can post as often as you want without waiting for mods in some subreddits to approve your posts or comments manually.

Access to more subreddits

Some reputed subreddit don't allow users below a certain Karma point. Subreddits like do not allow users below 69k Karma points to join. So, a positive Karma point is necessary for entering your favorite subreddits. 

For Marketing Purposes

To have a realistic chance at Reddit marketing,  you must have a high enough score and be reliable enough to publicize some of your content without being downvoted to oblivion.

To articulate your opinions.

Finally, Reddit karma can assist you in getting your message out there. If you have a high karma score, your comments will appear at the top and reach a larger audience. 

Types of Karma on Reddit 

Types of Karma on Reddit

Reddit Karma gets essentially divided into two types.

Post Karma

The amount of upvotes you get for your Reddit post is represented by your Post Karma. 

Comment Karma

The number of upvotes you get for your comments on Reddit posts is represented by your Comment Karma.

The sum of all Post Karma and Comment Karma is calculated as the total Karma of a Reddit user. 

How Karma Gets Calculated

When you start using Reddit and earn Karma, it looks like one upvote equals one Karma. You will receive one point for each net positive vote your content receives – meaning if someone upvotes, downvotes, or leaves a comment on your post by clicking the -/+ buttons, they are worth one point each. 

However, when you have a high number of Reddit Karma, you will notice that upvotes and Karma are not always equal. It’s because it calculates Karma using a formula that it does not provide in detail. According to reports, the more upvotes a link or comment receives, the less karma each upvote is worth. 

A comment with 25K upvotes does not always result in 25K of comment karma. The more you use Reddit, you will find out that Karma is distributed on a sliding scale, which means that the more karma you have, the less you receive for the same number of votes when you first start.

7 Strategies to Build a Community and Get Karma Faster on Reddit 

7 Strategies to Build a Community and Get Karma Faster on Reddit

1. Post Interesting and Valuable Content

Posting quality content is key to success on Reddit and any platform on the internet. Whatever you are posting, ensure that the content can provide value to the community. 

Reddit is filled with reposts and bland, old, and generic perspectives. If you can show in-depth knowledge and interesting viewpoints through your content, you are guaranteed to garner people's attention, increasing your Karma points. 

To create quality content, you can follow the following suggestions:

  1. Create content that provides in-depth knowledge and your opinions or viewpoints regarding the topic. 
  2. Include pictures, demographic, and videos.
  3. Add references and relevant links. That way, whatever you are saying will be credible.

2. Engage in Thoughtful Discussion With Other Users

Engaging in discussions upholds your credibility as a user who is knowledgeable and articulate enough to participate in meaningful conversations with other community members or Redditors in your subreddit.

So, don't just write customary comments or repost. Try to have meaningful discussions with other users. Repost something with your unique viewpoint attached to it.

3. Comment on Posts to Add Your Thoughts and Insights

Want to know how to get comment Karma on Reddit? Don't just make customary comments.

Customary comments will make you look like just another generic Reddit user. Share your unique thoughts and viewpoints that will garner a reputation as a knowledgeable person. 

That will make your comments unique, getting more upvotes in the process. 

4. Be an Active and Positive Member of the Community

Being an active member shows that you are passionate about the community. This passion will help you to get more people interested in what you are trying to say, improving your upvote numbers and your Reddit Karma.

5. Help New Users by Answering Their Questions

Helping new users is always a sign of goodwill that every member of the community notices. This way, you will garner a positive reputation in any community and good wishes from new users. So, helping new users will increase the value of your posts and comments, resulting in more upvotes.

6. Follow Subreddits That Interest You

You can only post meaningful content and spark thoughtful discussions when interested in a specific topic. So, try to join subreddits that discuss the topics you are passionate about so that you can provide valuable content. 

7. Don't Spam or Engage in Negative Behavior.

This one is pretty obvious. Spamming a specific type of content will devalue your opinions, and people will start downvoting you. People will start downvoting you if you constantly post about one thing without any meaningful reason.

It is acceptable to criticize as long as it is done in a civil manner. Being too harsh on any opinion in an uncivilized way is just a sign of immaturity. This behavior will almost certainly result in a decreasing number of upvotes and an increasing number of downvotes, losing Karma in the process. 

6 Ways to Get the Most Upvotes From a Post on Reddit

1. Choose a Popular Subreddit to Post in

A popular subreddit means more people are there to share your content. So, if your contents are meaningful and your viewpoints are unique, there is a high possibility that your posts and comments are going to get more upvotes.

2. Make Sure Your Post is Relevant to the Subreddit.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Always post relevant stuff on a subreddit. You should not start a debate about the current educational system on a subreddit about dogs. It is an extreme example. But you get the point. Always ask yourself one question before sharing anything on a subreddit, “ Will it add value to the users of this subreddit?”

3. Keep Your Post Title Short and to the Point

People like concise, catchy phrases and sentences. In this era of a short attention span, you need to be able to produce short titles to attract viewers' attention. So, make your post’s titles as straightforward and catchy as possible. 

If you can hook a user with your title, it is more likely that they will go through your post, and if they like it, you will get an upvote.

4. Include a Catchy Image, or Video

Images and videos are the best way to grab anyone’s attention. So, use them adequately to make your posts more informative, meaningful, and eye-catching.

5. Write a Well-written and Interesting Post

Writing style can always make people hook onto content. If you articulate your point through a fluent and enticing writing style, then it is more likely that the viewer is going to upvote your content.

6. Be Active in the Comments Section

One of the best ways to engage with your audience is to be active in the comments section. Engaging regularly in the comment section shows you are willing to provide for the community. It shows your passion for your content. If users can truly sense your passion for your content, you are guaranteed to get more upvotes.

5 PRO Tricks to Get More Comment Karma on Reddit

1. Add Value to the Discussion With Your Comments 

Reddit and the internet are generally filled with random customary comments. If you can comment on something thoughtful and discussion-worthy, it will automatically increase your value in the community.

2. Be Respectful and Helpful to Others 

Everyone likes a person who is respectful and helpful toward others. Reddit is no exception. If you can be beneficial to others in a subreddit, you are essentially building a good rapport with a whole community. These kinds of efforts will always pay off. In Reddit, people will show their respect towards you with upvotes, increasing Karma.

3. Contribute Regularly to the Discussion

Contributing to the discussions in a meaningful way can uphold your value in a subreddit. It will increase your engagement with other users in the same community. Being active in the discussions also shows your knowledge of the topic, resulting in more upvotes for your posts.

4. Upvote Helpful and Insightful Comments From Others

If you constantly upvote others’ thoughtful comments, you show gratitude towards them for sharing their valuable opinions. This behavior builds a positive rapport with the entire community, and you will get more respect. It is fundamental human nature to show gratitude to others who show signs of respect toward them. So, upvoting others’ thoughtful comments will always increase your Karma.

5. Avoid Being Negative

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Spreading negativity breeds toxicity in the whole subreddit. Negative acts such as attacking one’s viewpoints and not tolerating differences of opinion are detrimental to the entire subreddit.

If you engage in this behaviour, people will start to notice and show their disdain by downvoting your posts and comments, ultimately resulting in negative Karma points.

Can I Buy Comment Upvotes to Increase Reddit Karma? 

Can I buy Comment Upvotes to Increase Reddit Karma?

Essentially, the question is, “Can you buy Reddit Karma?” Yes, you can.

Often, some individuals need to have high Karma on their Reddit accounts. If you want to promote your business, having high Karma always helps to build credibility. Companies are looking for easy ways to increase sales and maintain a good reputation. Reddit comprises potential customers looking for answers to their burning questions. Purchasing Reddit upvotes allows businesses to reach those people.

However, you must ensure that you get this service from a trusted source. Socialplug is an industry-leading social media shop offering various services across social media platforms. The comment upvote service from SocialPlug allows you to get high-quality upvotes from aged and high-karma Reddit accounts, ensuring the quality of your posts & comments. 

So, to build up credibility as a business on the ever-growing Reddit platform, buy comment upvotes to increase your Karma from SocialPlug.

Does Giving or Receiving Reddit Award Affect Karma Score? 

Does giving or receiving Reddit Award Affect Karma Score?

Yes, it does.

Redditors share awards when they read something thoughtful or when they enjoy something. If a post or comment has rewards, it is more visible to people, and Reddit algorithms rank it higher in the rankings. 

When Reddit users give or receive awards, they gain "award karma." Users who receive awards with higher coin costs will earn more karma. Users who give awards will receive karma based on the coin cost and how quickly they award a post or comment.

SocialPlug is a trusted source from where you can buy extra awards to make your post more appealing. All awards are safe because they are derived from high karma and aged Reddit accounts, which ensures that your posts and comments are of high quality. Buy Reddit Awards to boost your Karma from here

Final Verdict

Reddit is an ever-growing platform with 430 million active monthly users. It is a great place to spend your free time browsing subreddits that interest you, but it can also be a powerful marketing tool if used correctly.

With a huge user base, there are many opportunities for businesses willing to enter the social media space to promote their products. Having high karma is essential in this regard to establish credibility. 

While knowing how to get Karma on Reddit and accumulating many Karma points can be beneficial and something many strive for, you should always remember to follow Reddiquette (Reddit etiquette) and their content policies.


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About the author

Tasnim Abedeen Raju

Tasnim is a content and digital marketer born in Dhaka, Bangladesh. For over thirteen years, Tasnim has worked as a freelancer for several social media marketing companies. He has acquired skill sets in copywriting, content marketing, SEO & social media marketing. He’s one of the founding members of SEOSkit, a very exciting search engine marketing startup. In his free time he likes to travel, read, and make failed attempts at music.

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